Maybe I'm just over reacting but it seems every time we come home to Missouri to visit we get sick! This time it started with Isaac, I guess he was a little sick before we left low grade fever... Saturday Andrew started a fever that lasted a WEEK! After a late night trip to the ER and a filled prescription of Amoxicillin 3 days later he wasn't getting better. I took him into the urgent care center and what do you know he had a double ear infection. They prescribed him then with some heavy duty antibiotics and that sealed the heal deal ... he was better. So I figured we were clear done with the sickness...I woke up Tuesday morn with a huge headache and my body felt like I had just done 3 hours of P90 x. My mother came to the rescue and I slept the next two days away, bringing myself into the urgent care center. The rapid results strep test came back negative, but the Dr. seeing my rather pussy tonsils (I know its gross sorry) prescribed me with antibiotics too. 2 days later headache is gone, throat still killing me and now I have an ugly dry cough.... whew. Thank goodness for my mother St. Lois She has let Andrew sleep in her room the last couple of nights so that I could get more rest. I figured still again that we were all clear of the sickness phase we are leaving on Sunday and this is Thursday.... and then while putting Elisabeth to bed she said, "Mommy my mouth hurts in the back".... AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I drugged her up with Tylenol and quickly tucked her into bed. And it was so sweet because in her nighttime prayer she only prayed for me to feel better. I was sure she was remembered in my night time prayer.
Even though we have all been quite miserably sick, we have quite enjoyed our stay here. It is so good to breath the beautiful Missouri air, and we have loved being able to actually see stars in the sky, we don't see much of those in Philly. And did I mention the weather has been in the 70's the whole time we have been here? The kids have spent countless hours outside jumping on the newly purchased trampoline, as well as feeding the horses daily if not hourly.. I know if they come in the house with dirt filled fingernails that they have been plucking hand fulls of grass off the ground and then openhanded feeding the horses. I have had some great moments with my dear willard rooted friends. Shantai had her baby shower and then we all were able to stay and chat, and laugh, and blabber some more it was awesome and much needed. I also got to see Arianne who I haven seen in who knows how long.. it was so great to see her. Mom watched the kids all day so I could go have some relaxing girl time with Lora, who treated me to lunch at Hinode... yummy I didn't like sushi before but she had me try a Vegas roll mmmmm mmmm it was good we laughed most of the day away it was great for my spirits .. not so good for the throat. It has been great to get to be with my family, brothers sister in laws nieces and nephews and of course the wonderful parents they are all so fun and sweet. So I know no pics to prove we did have fun on the trip home, but I have been to tired to charge my camera...
Friday, November 12, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Forever 4!!!!

Purrrty Pet Party!!!!
Elisabeth was very particular about what kind of Birthday party she wanted this year. She loves Puppies and kitty cats, so we decided to invite her friends and we had them bring their favorite stuffed animals with them to Elisabeth's Purrrty-Pet Salon. At the party the animals were dressed in tu tu's, collars and super capes(for the boys). We played musical paw prints and Aunt Becky painted the guests faces the animal of their choice (they all seemed to want to be kitty cats) We had about 15 kids 4 and younger in our tiny apartment.... and it was way more than crazy here, but it was fun... and our Birthday girl loved every minute of it ... except for the couple meltdowns she had when she didn't win the musical paw prints game :)
Monday, October 18, 2010
The past month and a half... Lots of random Pictures

So this last little while we have had many of adventures! To name a few... moved to Philly, celebrated labor day, my birthday(Jenn and kids came to play for the day), Elisabeth's Birthday(pics coming soon), we have taken several trips to the Philadelphia zoo with and without Daddy,enjoyed the visit of Stacy and Kyle, explored downtown Philly, Liberty Bell etc., eaten our fair share of Philly cheese steaks,Elisabeth started preschool,Isaac is potty trained (night time included:) we have enjoyed the great weather(Elisabeth fell and got a black eye... Ouch), and have been having fun getting to know the area of our new home.

Monday, October 4, 2010
Zoe's Birthday
Friday, September 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Best Friends!
I remember growing up, my very best friends were the ones that I called Brother, or sister, and quite frankly they are still my best friends today. There is something so special about siblings which relationships can not compare in the same way to any other. I have been blessed with the greatest siblings and have great memories with each of them.
I love watching Isaac and Elisabeth play together around the house. When one is gone the other one seems lost and confused. If one is leaving the other asks why they both can't go. It has been so neat to see them play, imagine, and love each other more and more every day. For instance, yesterday Isaac was upstairs taking a nap and Elisabeth was downstairs with me, Jake had just left to go home teaching and Elisabeth was very sad because she was not allowed to go with him. So of course this sent her crying and crying because she really wanted to go. All of the sudden we heard a soft yet hurried voice say "Sissy, Sissy, Sissy", it was Isaac, he was rushing down the stairs to arrive quickly at Elisabeth's aid, with his arms open he gave her the biggest hug... and then another one ... and then another, followed by an requested kiss. Elisabeth immediately calmed down and had already forgotten why she was even upset in the first place. We were at some friend for dinner last night and I was telling this story to them at the dinner table. Isaac and Elisabeth were sitting by each other and as soon as they heard me tell the story they wrapped their arms around each other again for another hug... it was way too cute for words. This incident melted my heart it was so darling! I love how they can be playing for hours at a time by themselves in the next room over, dressing each other up, jumping off of the furniture, or just playing make believe. They have both already tried to include baby Andrew in on the fun... I tell them they have to wait a little longer until he can join in...

I love watching Isaac and Elisabeth play together around the house. When one is gone the other one seems lost and confused. If one is leaving the other asks why they both can't go. It has been so neat to see them play, imagine, and love each other more and more every day. For instance, yesterday Isaac was upstairs taking a nap and Elisabeth was downstairs with me, Jake had just left to go home teaching and Elisabeth was very sad because she was not allowed to go with him. So of course this sent her crying and crying because she really wanted to go. All of the sudden we heard a soft yet hurried voice say "Sissy, Sissy, Sissy", it was Isaac, he was rushing down the stairs to arrive quickly at Elisabeth's aid, with his arms open he gave her the biggest hug... and then another one ... and then another, followed by an requested kiss. Elisabeth immediately calmed down and had already forgotten why she was even upset in the first place. We were at some friend for dinner last night and I was telling this story to them at the dinner table. Isaac and Elisabeth were sitting by each other and as soon as they heard me tell the story they wrapped their arms around each other again for another hug... it was way too cute for words. This incident melted my heart it was so darling! I love how they can be playing for hours at a time by themselves in the next room over, dressing each other up, jumping off of the furniture, or just playing make believe. They have both already tried to include baby Andrew in on the fun... I tell them they have to wait a little longer until he can join in...

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Heaven Sent
I was feeling a little down today. Realistically it was most likely because I was just tired. But I was feeling sorry for myself, a little stressed out about upcoming events and overwhelmed about a series of other things etc.....
I went up to my room to check on the baby and found my scriptures on my bed where I had left them earlier.I knelt down by them and offered a sincere prayer and asked for peace, I opened my triple and the pages fell to Helaman 5:12, immediately I felt an overwhelming feeling of love and peace, I knew that everything would be alright. of course this didn't stop me from crying a little, in fact I was in tears before I could finish the verse.
Elisabeth came up the stairs to find her pj's and we said a few words to each other and then I came downstairs with Andrew to comfort him. About 5 minutes later Elisabeth was at my side at the computer she said, "Mommy I have a surprise for you!", I replied, in my fake (I'm OK voice), "oh you do?". She then proceeded to reach oh her tipee toes for something that was tucked up behind the computer monitor and this is what she handed me...

Then she said,"my grandpa gave it to me when he was here and now I want you to have it."
Once again my eyes filled up with tears and I knew for a second time in about ten minutes that he had heard my prayer. What a blessing prayer is in my life, and what a blessing it is to be a mother to children who teach me the things I am supposed to be teaching them.
So for all of you that are having a tough day, I have a surprise for you,(to the left) my daughter gave it to me and now I want YOU to have it.
I went up to my room to check on the baby and found my scriptures on my bed where I had left them earlier.I knelt down by them and offered a sincere prayer and asked for peace, I opened my triple and the pages fell to Helaman 5:12, immediately I felt an overwhelming feeling of love and peace, I knew that everything would be alright. of course this didn't stop me from crying a little, in fact I was in tears before I could finish the verse.
Elisabeth came up the stairs to find her pj's and we said a few words to each other and then I came downstairs with Andrew to comfort him. About 5 minutes later Elisabeth was at my side at the computer she said, "Mommy I have a surprise for you!", I replied, in my fake (I'm OK voice), "oh you do?". She then proceeded to reach oh her tipee toes for something that was tucked up behind the computer monitor and this is what she handed me...

Then she said,"my grandpa gave it to me when he was here and now I want you to have it."
Once again my eyes filled up with tears and I knew for a second time in about ten minutes that he had heard my prayer. What a blessing prayer is in my life, and what a blessing it is to be a mother to children who teach me the things I am supposed to be teaching them.
So for all of you that are having a tough day, I have a surprise for you,(to the left) my daughter gave it to me and now I want YOU to have it.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Water Balloons!

Remember as a kid loving to get to play with water baloons, not really loving to be hit by them but just loving to hold them, throw them and fill up more? Elisabeth and Isaac have found their love for water baloons too. We had a couple of their best friends over and they played and played. Isaac wanted to keep all of his and not throw them. The girls were the opposite, telling eachother "hit me, hit me".
Monday, August 2, 2010
2 Cute 2 be Terrible!

Too Cute 2 be Terrible!
Isaac was so excited for his birthday well at least Elisabeth was.For the last month she has repetedly asked him what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday. He has been telling everyone that he is 2 for weeks as well. He loves bugs, loves to touch them , look for them and smash them. He carries around the movie Bugs Life and attempts to say the title by saying buuh wife... it is very cute. For his birthday Grammy Grandpa, Uncle Bradly, Aunt Irina and cousin Brylee were here, so we went and did some local touristy things including a tour of Wolfgangs Chocolate Factory.
Now that the little monkey has hit the old age of two here are some of the things he has been up to....
jumping off of everything, stairs , chairs, curbs,etc...
he has started to say more words such as, sissy, bee, bum(gum), nam nam (grammy), nampa (grandpa), nigh nigh, eat, way way (water), impt (drink),truck, ball, hold me, hold me , hold me, puor.
he loves pouring water from cup to cup or just dumping it out anywhere he can
he plays simon says, and loves red light green light
his favorite primary songs are popcorn popping, and Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
he love to eat meat, tuna, chicken, steak, and especially love beef jerky
he can down a large salad if it has plenty of ranch on it
he loves his piyee bank (piggy bank) and carries it around everywhere, even sleeps with it sometimes, he is constantly asking for more momo (money)
he is such a sweet boy and has made our lives so sweet as well
We love you Isaac!

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