I follow a Blog of a friends Daughter from Camp Hill, she has provided us with an open door to be able to help some of the people in Japan. Let's all pitch in!
Here is the link to her blog if you want to help out. I copied the text from below so you could read it here, if you want to read more and see the pictures go to her page.
for the children of ishinomaki, japanby thesleepytimegal on April 6, 2011 · 66 comments
{So far today we have 80 boxes going to Japan, being shipped from all around the world ! Let’s aim for 100!}
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I am feeling quite somber today, and yet, so excited I can hardly find the words to type. I finally feel like there is something tangible my family and your family, can do for Japan.
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A new Japanese friend of mine has been corresponding with her dear friend in the devastated town of Ishinomaki, Japan. (All of the Japanese photos are from Ishinomaki.) Her friend, Sachiko, is an elementary school teacher in this town. Many of the children of the school have parents that never returned to the school to pick them up. Many of the children, in the cooler weather there, are walking barefooted. Many of these children need our help, we who have so many comforts of life right now.
I’m calling out to you, my readers, to send one box. That is all. One box filled with most of the things you already have sitting in your cupboards.
What Sachiko says the children need:
hair things (any girls’ hair ties to hold back their hair)
erasers/ pencils
special things like candy, something fun that brings a smile
Besides what is on the list, I confirmed that things that are gently used, like children’s clothing, dried fruit, granola bars, and such would be wonderful as well. We’ll be sending many of the girl’s shoes and clothes that can be distributed to suit needs.
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For the teacher, Sachiko, she has needs as well:
women’s hair ties
had cream (from spending so many hours digging through ruins)
Sachiko’s father is a Buddhist monk, and therefore, lives in a Buddhist temple in Ishinomaki. The packages can be shipped here which still stands because it was built on higher ground. (If you are serious about sending a box, email me personally in the contact me section of my blog and I will email you right back with the address.) Her parents are presently housing 15 adults who have lost their homes.
Their needs are:
paper products (toilet paper, paper towels)
feminine products (pads, tampons)
baby wipes (currently used for bathing there, if they have them)
antibacterial gel (there is a sickness like the flu passing through rapidly)
food (plain noodles, dried fruit, other things that ship easily)
gently used clothes, socks, shoes
If your family chooses to get involved and send one package, have your children help by creating cards for the children. Sachiko says the children need some happiness. I can’t even imagine their feelings, longings for familiarity, and sorrows. Put some fun things in their box, too.
There is no need to run to the store. Look for things you already have in abundance in your home. The girls agreed to give away their homemade crayons we made. They donated some of their change to pay for shipping. We are gathering paper goods, supplies, dried fruit, clothing, etc., that we already have. So that means the only cost is the shipping. Do what you can afford, even if it is a really small box. Let the children donate towards the shipping as well.
Let’s do this together, please. If you can commit one box to Japan, share it with us in the comments. My goal is that this blog, through you generous people, can send 20 boxes to Ishinomaki, Japan. This town has been devastated. We have a real, hands-on way to give of our bounty. Please. Pass this on as well- through Facebook, friends, etc. Can you imagine the out pouring of boxes to this school, to this generous Buddhist monk and the people he’s caring for?
Lets fill up the comments section on the blog today with people committing to one box each, all around the world.
SHIPPING TIP: If you buy the international flat rate shipping boxes, that will be your cheapest option!