I have so much to post about. Our computer went out a day before our new addition arrived, so I have not had the chance to tell the stories and show the pictures of his miraculous birth. Each time I have had a baby I realize more and more the miracle it is and what a blessing it is for me to be involved in part of the creation of a human being. I am humbled at the opportunity Heavenly Father has given me to be their earthly mother.
Many of you have heard the story of the labor I went through with #3, but for those of you who haven't and for mere personal history sake I will tell it again.
Friday May 28Th I went into the hospital to be induced. at about 10 am they inserted the cervical gel, to help soften the cervix and they were hopeful that it would start contractions and put me into labor, well it did, about 45 minutes later I was having contractions every 1 to 3 minutes. After about an hour of that I went and labored for a couple of hours in the jacuzzi tub. I had been training for labor using the Hypnobirthing method, which is pretty much teaching yourself how to relax and not to fear pain. I used this method all day long as I labored and honestly I can say I never felt pain for the first 14 hours. I was in an out of the jacuzzi, on the birthing ball, in the rocking chair and in bed and I was able to handle the contractions very well. At 4 they checked me and I was only dilated to a 3, I was still having contractions every 1 to 3 minutes, they said they would continue to let my body labor naturally and if I didn't have the baby by the nighttime then they would start me on Pitocin in the morning. at 9 they came and checked me again I was dilated to a 5, the Dr. broke my water and I got back in the jacuzzi tub to relax. I then could feel the contractions more intensely, and 2 hours later all the hypnobirthing I had practiced went out the window. I started into transition and I was in pain. I told Jake I had to poop, because that is what it felt like I needed to do, he called the nurse and she came and told me I would have to get out of the tub so the Dr. could check me again. I told her I was not going to get out of the tub and she said, "Well we don't do water births so you have to". That didn't make me very happy but I got out anyway. The Dr. checked me and I was only dilated to a 7. I was so upset by this because I felt like I all ready needed push the baby out. I felt like I was being ripped in half already and I wasn't even pushing yet. I felt like I was dieing of heat too. The nurse and Jake kept trying to cool me off, and I kept telling them not to touch me. At this point I was in so much pain I figured they were just going to have to put me under and take the baby via cesarean, because in my mind I could not comprehend how I was going to be able to make it through to the end, and actually be able to push him out. Finally the Dr checked me again and I was dilated to a 9, only one side of my cervix was thicker than the other so I still had to wait to push. 10 minutes later I was at a 10 and I started pushing because I could not stop myself, my body wanted that baby out and nothing was going to stop it. At this time there was 1 Dr. and about 5 nurses in the room, probably because I was so crazy they thought they had to bring in backup. The head was out and they couldn't find the bulb syringe so they were calling everywhere to get one because he was not breathing and was completely blue, then the Dr. yelled Sara you have to push as hard as you can so I did, and then I was positive I ripped or they cut me but I dint care I just wanted it over and done with. one and a half pushes later he was out. I just laid there, in pain but relieved at the same time. At this time I still didn't know if the baby was a boy or a girl, I didn't ask and they never even told me until about 10 minutes after he was born,one of the nurses yelled over, "oh by the way it's a boy!". Jake was by me the whole time, I would have never wanted to go through that with out him with me. He encouraged me and supported me through the whole process.
It was over and I felt so much better. Andrew David was born at 1:10 am, he was 9lbs 4 oz. 21 inches long. He was extremely bruised when he came out, he had broken blood vessels in both eyes and his face was purple for many hours after delivery. The Dr. told me that this was normal because of how fast he cam out.
We hadn't chosen a name for him previously so after we had a couple hours of sleep, we chose one in about 5 minutes. Andrew David Walters. Andrew after Jake it is his middle name, and David after Jake's uncle David, He has always been very special to Jake and a great role model to all of us.
What a sweet bundle of joy. I have loved being his mother for these last 6 weeks. He has brought such a special spirit into our home and into my life. I feel so honored to have the opportunity to raise him. I have enjoyed motherhood in a whole new way this time around. For some reason I feel more calm, and I have been able to enjoy the little things that I think I overlooked with the other two at this age.
Big sister and Big brother adore him, and always want to hold him, or talk to him, or try to get him to smile. It has been an adjustment for all of us but definitely a much needed and desired one.
Sara, I am so proud of you. love mom