I love watching Isaac and Elisabeth play together around the house. When one is gone the other one seems lost and confused. If one is leaving the other asks why they both can't go. It has been so neat to see them play, imagine, and love each other more and more every day. For instance, yesterday Isaac was upstairs taking a nap and Elisabeth was downstairs with me, Jake had just left to go home teaching and Elisabeth was very sad because she was not allowed to go with him. So of course this sent her crying and crying because she really wanted to go. All of the sudden we heard a soft yet hurried voice say "Sissy, Sissy, Sissy", it was Isaac, he was rushing down the stairs to arrive quickly at Elisabeth's aid, with his arms open he gave her the biggest hug... and then another one ... and then another, followed by an requested kiss. Elisabeth immediately calmed down and had already forgotten why she was even upset in the first place. We were at some friend for dinner last night and I was telling this story to them at the dinner table. Isaac and Elisabeth were sitting by each other and as soon as they heard me tell the story they wrapped their arms around each other again for another hug... it was way too cute for words. This incident melted my heart it was so darling! I love how they can be playing for hours at a time by themselves in the next room over, dressing each other up, jumping off of the furniture, or just playing make believe. They have both already tried to include baby Andrew in on the fun... I tell them they have to wait a little longer until he can join in...

I love the sleeping picture. I don't think there could be a cuter picture.
ReplyDeleteThe sibling bond IS such an amazing thing! My kids are the same way! Connor is the glue that holds them all together! Its SO cute to watch him "protect" his sisters! Love Love the pictures! You have ADORABLE kids Sara! They are precious!