Sunday, May 17, 2009

Feedin The Chickens and Ducks

Any chance Isaac and Elisabeth had they were outside, Playing in the grass, feeding chickens, or just running and crawling around.


  1. YAY SARA!! I love it! So glad you started a blog! Looks like you had a lot of fun at home =) It is always nice to go to where you grew up. Glad you are all safe after that storm! and Elisabeths dress you made is so CUTE!! and you made a tie for Jake and Isaac! You are so awesome! YOu need to come to Pats again soon =) We need to get together... I miss ya!

  2. How fun! We just took a trip to Missouri to visit grandparents too, and the kids LOVED every second of it. Missouri is better than Disneyland at this age.

  3. I love the pictures. The coloring is awesome. I especially like Jake's tie!! Your kids are adorable. I was glad to see the bath water was blue not yellow :)

